A Storm of Support in Vermilion Bay

Although it was a quick stop on the trip from Winnipeg to Thunder Bay, the time the Portraits of Honour spent in Vermilion Bay, or more specifically, Fort Vermilion, was impactful nonetheless.

Escorted to the Fort by fallen hero Corporal Albert Storm’s brother, George, and his Canadian Army Veterans Motorcyclist comrades, the Portraits of Honour convoy arrived earlier than expected but found many local supporters already gathered to provide a warm welcome. It was an honour to be escorted by George and his CAV brothers and sisters, as their commitment to the Portraits of Honour Tour remains unwavering.

After a short ceremony, those gathered enjoyed a BBQ luncheon and were able to view the mural up close.

As the Portraits of Honour display was packed up in preparation for its departure, pride was evident in the eyes of those gathered when it was announced they had raised the equivalent of almost $5 for every man, woman and child in their small community to donate to the Portraits of Honour cause. What incredible support from an incredible community!